ICT junior-high school book BSE Complete

For visitors to the blog mainly ICT teachers and students of junior high school that still need books ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and high school version Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Curriculum Centre and BV Ministry of Education, please download the compilation of ICT BSE in my opinion quite full at the bottom of the list of books, from grades 7-9 and grades 10-12 junior high school, where each class there are several books that ICT can be used. You can download its per book or per class or per school level.
Junior Class 7 :
  1. Smart and Skilled Information and Communication Technology 1 Class 7. Reynolds and Djuharis Apostles. 2010
  2. World Information and Communication Technology Class 7. Kismiantini Rina Evi Dyah UNILA and Rine. 2010
  3. Opening Horizon Information and Communication Technology 1 Class 7. Ivan sofa and Epsi Budihardjo. 2010
  4. Mengenal_Teknologi Information and Communication Class 7. Ida Bagus Budiyanto and RR Phitsa Uliana. 2010
  5. ICT satellite Class 7. Novyan Siswanto and Akfen Efendi. 2010
  6. Information and Communication Technology Class 7. Eric Robinson and Anthony Rose. 2010
  7. Information and Communication Technology Class 7. Joko Pramono and Pris Priyanto. 2010
  8. Computerised skilled Class 7. blessing Nur Ibrahim and Hendi culture. 2010
Junior Class 8 :
  1. Cyber ​​Generation Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Dede Imat Mutakin and Maryono. 2010
  2. Let's Learn The Information and Communication Technology Class D 8. Iwan Santoso. 2010
  3. Open horizons of ICT Class 8. Ivan sofa and Epsi Budihardjo. 2010
  4. Know Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Ida Bagus Budianto and Raden Roro Phitsa Uliana. 2010
  5. Introduction to Information Technology Classroom 8. Wahid Juliyanto and Markelo Wangen. 2010
  6. Satellite ICT Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Novyan Siswanto and Akfen Efendi. 2010
  7. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Class 8. Suyatman and Erna Ari Hastuti. 2010
  8. Information and Communication Technology 2 Class 8. Hendra Subagja and Lilis Suryani. 2010
  9. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. In intensively Kelly and Tom Green. 2010
  10. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Doni Yustina Ade Wahyudi and Kinari. 2010
  11. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Erick Kurniawan and Antonius Rachmat. 2010
  12. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Iswandari Siwi Dwi Wahyu Pratomo and Widiyanti. 2010
  13. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Jani Susanti Noor and Abdul Haris. 2010
  14. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Kusyanto and Benny Ikhwanudin. 2010
  15. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Lusi Endang Sudarmi and Bahr Ulum. 2010
  16. Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Purnama Wijaya and Tati Ermawati. 2010
  17. Skilled Computerised Information and Communication Technology Class 8. Roni Yana and Hendi culture. 2010
Junior Class 9 :
  1. Opening Horizon Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Ivan sofa and Epsi Budihardjo. 2010
  2. ICT Satelik Class 9. Novyan Siswanto. Akfen Efendi. 2010
  3. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Adi Anwar Hadi Setiawan and Cecelia Firdos Santosa. 2010
  4. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Irawan Agung Bonowo and Eka Padittya. 2010
  5. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Dhanang Copyright Adi and Yuliyani Siyamtiningtyas. 2010
  6. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Doni Yustina Ade Wahyudi and Kinari. 2010
  7. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Julianto Arif Setiadi and Bahr Ulum. 2010
  8. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Mashadi and Arif Dwi irmawan. 2010
  9. Information and Communication Technology Class 9. Tuti Hartati and Sussi. 2010
High School Class of 10 :
  1. Information and Communication Technology Class 10. Ali Muhson and Miyanto. 2010
  2. Information and Communication Technology Class 10. Eko Kiswanto Heri Supriyadi and Muslim. 2010
  3. Information and Communication Technology Class 10. Julianto Arif Setiadi and Bahr Ulum. 2010
  4. Information and Communication Technology Class 10. Osdirwan Osman and Adhi Susano. 2010
  5. Information Communication Technology X Semester 2 Class 10. Ruri. 2008
High School Class 11 :
  1. Practical Learning Information and Communication Technology Class 11. General Novian and Heal Abdulah. 2010
  2. Information and Communication Technology Class 11. Ali Muhson and Lalu Suryadi Day. 2010
  3. Information and Communication Technology Class 11. Eko Kiswanto Heri Supriyadi and Muslim. 2010
  4. Information and Communication Technology Class 11. Osdirwan Osman and Adhi Susano. 2010
  5. Information Communication Technology 11. Class XI semester 1 Onno W Purbo. 2008
  6. Information Communication Technology XI semester 2 Class 11. Onno W Purbo. 2008
High School Class of 12 :
  1. Active Learning Computer Class 12. Ida Bagus Budianto and Raden Roro Phitsa Uliana. 2010
  2. Easy Ways to Use Information And Communications Technology Class 12. Edi Purwanto and Martono. 2010
  3. Generation Telematics Information and Communication Technology 12. Class of belief Mutakin and Hendra Dede Firmansyah. 2010
  4. Practical Learning Information and Communication Technology Class 12. General Novian and Heal Abdulah. 2010
  5. Information And Communications Technology Class 12. Albert Arifin and Felix diMaZ. 2010
  6. Information And Communications Technology Class 12. Ali Muhson and Denny Rahman Ardia. 2010
  7. Information And Communications Technology Class 12. Eko Kiswanto Heri Supriyadi and Muslim. 2010
  8. Information Communication Technology XII semester 1 Class 12. Siswanto and Garry Prowite. 2008
  9. Information Communication Technology XII semester 2 Class 12. Bayu Pratama and Lusi Endang. 2008

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